
Flansham to Clymping shared use path - completion date confirmed

After a winter of delays and frustrations, the path will be completed in early June 2018. 

Campaign to keep the line of the Centurion Way

There is a large development to the west of the southern end of the Centurion Way in Chichester. It is known as Whitehouse Farm.

Flansham to Climping Cycle path - start date confirmed!

WSCC has confirmed that Jackson Civil Engineering has been appointed to construct the National Cycle Network Route 2 (part) scheme along the A259 between Flansham and Climping.


A number of activities will be taking place before the construction commences:


WSCF joins SCATE - South Coast Alliance for Transport and the Environment.

WSCF has joined this excellent organisation   See the company we keep at

Felpham to Clymping Cycle Route - start delayed

The much needed cycle path alongside the A259 between Felpham and Clymping has been delayed while WSCC continue to evaluate tenders.    Due to start at end March 2017, it is now hoped that the chosen contractor will start work 'in the summer'.

New routes map added to WSCC web site


The 300+ routes that were submitted by the various West Sussex Cycle Forums in 2016 as part of the WSCC Walking and Cycling Strategy are now on the WSCC web site -

This will enable anyone to reference these desired routes when planning applications come in or when developers begin discussions with planners.  The S106/ CiL funding process will be simpler when getting the routes done.

Closed cycle lane is reinstated!

A cycle lane that was closed in 2011 has been reinstated. The cycle contra-flow in Park Road, East Grinstead was closed while the weak railway bridge was being repaired - but the temporary bollards remained in place until 2015. The status of the road confused drivers and cyclists. Ros from Mason Close said At last! This is the one of the most useful cycle lanes in East Grinstead. For those using Worth Way with bikes laden with panniers, it avoids pushing a bike up the railway station steps. It also gives access to the Imberhorne area avoiding the A22.

Ride around the town of East Grinstead - a town choked with motor vehicles with little or no cycle infrastructure.

UPDATE 20/12/16: A meeting of the EG Cycle Forum will take place on Saturday 14th January at 11:00am in the activity room of East Grinstead library. Please contact Paul Brown ( for further details.

Inspired by the West Sussex Cycle Summit and frustrated at the lack of safe space for cycling in the town, local residents Paul Brown and Ros Furley have started the East Grinstead cycle forum.

Progress update on WSCC Cycling and Walking Strategy

This update takes the story on from the adoption by WSCC of the Cycling and Walking Strategy.   That was in July 2016.   Since then, WSCC has met with the WSCF to set out the means by which funding can be obtained; to set out the process to establish priorities in selecting routes to put forward for funding; and discuss the ways in which WSCC and WSCF can work together.    Specifically - the local LEP (ours is Coast to Capital will soon be asking for submissions and it is imperative that routes are put forward.


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