
Construction work starts on the first of seven temporary cycleway schemes in West Sussex.

This is taken directly from the WSCC website.   Construction work starts on the first of seven temporary cycleway schemes in West Sussex in the week begining July 27th and is likely to take about a fortnight to complete.   The Chichester scheme will connect the Spitalfield Lane, hospital area with the city’s railway station, creating a 2km-long “keyworker corridor” for safe cycling. The route will also link to the central retail area and other major employment sites, such as the University of Chichester.

West Sussex is 'fully aligned' with DfT aims and gets 100%!

Following on from the previous news item, West Sussex County Council has been awarded all but £3K of its theoretical maximum of £784K.  This means that is now able to start work on the seven schemes in the bid - one in each district/borough.  Well done to WSCC officers - one of whom described this as a mixture of Christmas and a nightmare...  They had 5 working days from the starting gun to submission by June 5.

DfT sets up £225M fund for Local Authorities

The DfT has £225M for Local Authorities to use in support of the measures in the TAL of May 9.  It is in two tranches - 20% and 80%.   As in the letter to LAs of May 27, both will need to be bid for.   The amount for West Sussex is £3.919M of which 20% is 784K and that has to be bid for by June 5 - and was.  The amount for each LA is relative to the amount of commuting by public transport in each LA as in the latest census.    WSCC put a bid in for one scheme in each of the Ds and Bs and a response from the DfT is awaited.

Government issues statutory guidance to Local Authorities

The UK Government has issued a Traffic Advisory Leaflet that requires Local Authorities to provide new infrastructure that will a) encourage people to walk and cycle to/from work instead of using public transport and b) protect them from traffic that would otherwise put the two into conflict, and c) help with social distancing.

WSCF issues position statement - COVID 19

The West Sussex Cycle Forum (WSCF) believes that the current emergency has provided few benefits, but one of them is the increase in people now cycling on our roads and cycle paths. Clearly, with fewer cars on the roads this has reduced the perceived fear, and the actual risk, of conflict between people on bikes and people in vehicles. Bike shops report record levels of repairs being done on bikes rescued from sheds and garages.

WSCF supports Transport Action Network's challenge to the Government's massive road building programme

The Transport Action Network (TAN) is launching an action against the Department for Transport (DfT).    Their CrowdJustice page is now live.  

See also

Section of Downs Link closed for 3 months from April 14

A section of Downs Link will be closed for 3 months from April 14 for upgrading work on the surface. This work is funded by the EAFRD - an EU body.  The Downs Link surface has been upgraded in Rudgwick, Slinfold and Henfield parishes. Work begins in West Grinstead parish in mid April 2020. It is expected to take 3 months to complete.

HE complete Feasibility Study of Chemroute

Highways England has completed the feasibility study for the Chemroute - linking Chichester and Emsworth.  The report is now shared with WSCC and CDC - their officers are ploughing through the 300+ pages...   I (Geoff ) have been in touch with Jason Hones (the contact at HE) to ask that I, on behalf of the WSCF, and Ian Sumnall/Ian Swann of the CDCF, have an early sight so that we can comment before it's shared with stakeholders.   His promise to involve us is quite genuine but not at this stage.

Ian Sumnall is new Vice Chairman of WSCF

Ian Sumnall is the new Vice Chairman of WSCF.  Peter Smith is stepping down because of the pressure of his Council and cycle campaigning work in Crawley - all of which is now bearing fruit.    

Ian Sumnall has hugely relevant experience of the ways of local goverment having been CEO of Arun District Council for many years and he is extremely well regarded.    He is an active Sustrans volunteer and is the Secretary of the Chichester and District Cycle Forum.

Volunteers clear the cycle/pedestrian path by the Arun Leisure Centre

Sustrans and Bognor Regis Cycle Forum volunteers have cleared the path that runs from the Arun Leisure Centre down to the pedestrian crossing alongside the A2259 in Felpham.  It had become very narrow because of encroaching vegetation on the path; it had become slippery and generally unpleasant. It’s hoped that the work will encourage more students from the FCC to cycle to school and perhaps even use the cycle path instead of the pedestrian path, and vice versa!


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