Steering Group of the WSCC Walking and Cycling Strategy 2106-2026

Friday, 24 January 2020 - 2:00pm to Saturday, 25 January 2020 - 1:45pm
County Hall, Chichester

Steering Group of the WSCC Walking and Cycling Strategy 2106-2026.   Invited people only.

  1. Welcome and introductions (AE)
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting (AE)
  3. Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans – LCWIP (AM)
  4. External funding (AE)
  5. Scheme updates
    • Walking and Cycling Strategy Schemes (AM)
    • S106/developer schemes (NS)
    • Strategic Transport Investment Programme (STIP) schemes (JD/PE)
    • Community Highways application schemes (RP/PB)
    • Safety schemes (JF)
    • SDNPA schemes and cycling strategy update (ALC/AT)
    • Major Schemes (AS)
  6. Communications, campaigns and publicity (All)
  7. Feedback from WSCF/WSLAF Meetings (GF)
  8. Proposed and recent development (SS)
  9. AOB (All)
  10. DONM (AE)